TWENTY EIGHTEEN. I’m not going to sit here and get all sappy on you because I’d rather just show you some awesome photos. Last year I decided to share a different kind of post to recap the year – one that included a lot of [in the moment] images rather than the “best” images from the year. In my opinion these are the best images so I figured I’d make it a tradition to share a more emotional post to finish out the year. (and of course some bts thanks to my awesome photographer friends)
before we get started, here are a few highlights from this year //
+ photographed 40 weddings & finally made it to wedding number 100!
+ attended hustle & flow workshop which has totally changed my business
+ became an AUNT <3
+ hired an associate photographer & two interns to work with me
+ had one of my images featured on the cover of a magazine! (whhhhhhat)
+ put together two AMAZING styled shoots
+ attended my first nfl game
+ started a newsletter & offering mentor sessions
+ attended my 10 YEAR high school class reunion
annnnnnnnd here we go!