December 31, 2017

2017 RECAP


Where do I even begin? This year has been the biggest and best year yet for me. I photographed 40 weddings this year, which allowed me to quit my job and make a career out of my passion. It still feels like a dream when someone asks me what I do for a living and my reply is – I’m a photographer. I remember having a conversation with someone about a year ago and expressed that I had no intentions of going full-time with photography because it was scary and I didn’t think I could book enough clients — and here I am. 

a few highlights from this year //

+ photographed an elopement in colorado

+ had 7 brides at the same wedding

+ witnessed the best day of Travis Beaston’s life [when he saw Heather for the first time & danced with Ramses, the UNC mascot, at his reception]

+ attended Kayla Coleman’s workshop [favorite photographer ever]

+ photographed the dancing king, Derek Benson at 5 weddings this year, including his own

+ met SO many cute dogs and added a new pup to our family

+ took a road trip to florida for a destination wedding

+ pinned countless boutonnieres on grooms and groomsmen

+ photographed my little cousin’s wedding [yeah, I’m getting old]

+ held beach mini sessions for the first time ever

+ participated in The Big Fake Wedding

+ had one of my images in 2 magazines!

I’ve been thinking about this recap for a little while now and I decided that I didn’t want to pull my “best” photos from the year or the ones that I though were the “prettiest” – instead, I wanted to share ones that most of you may not have seen before. Ones that didn’t necessarily make the “instagram cut” or may be a little out of focus. These photos are pure emotion, something I strive for when photographing any occasion. Yes, just like anyone else, I adore the [looking at the camera smiling] poses but these photos show the actual moment that we were in at that time. The groom’s reaction to seeing his bride for the first time, the kid at the wedding reception having the time of their life, that last hug between a father and his daughter right before he walks her down that aisle, and the reality of confetti being thrown at your face as you exit your wedding. These images may not be the ones printed and hanging on a wall but they do speak volumes of that exact moment in time and that’s what I love most about what I do.

And thanks to some of my fabulous second shooters, I was able to throw in some [behind the scenes] shots of me on the job!